Saturday, May 28, 2011

Another letter...

Dear Mr. President Obama,

Forget Mrs Merkel when she said your latest speech about the Middle East was good. It was not! Mrs. Merkel has just no firm view with regard to Israel, and most people in Germany are like paralyzed. They all fear something, but do not know what it is. They are all like in an agony. The Germans have a high unemployment rate, so do they fear losing their jobs? The rich get richer day by day, and taking a political attitude is out.

Most Germans cannot understand what is Scripturally discerned, and this is why they see the aggressor in Israel and think it is up to Israel to make peace in the Middle East.

But if they were interested enough in it, they would know that it might be a fatal error for Israel and the western world to get back to the borders of 67 - they give up a democracy, and give in to terrorists, thinking this might stop the terror. If one gives in to terrorists, their terrorism will increase, because they were successful with their terror before...

The LORD has protected Israel since 1948, so why does she not put all her trust in God? In comparison to God even you might see that you are very far from His glory, and that He has an eye on Israel. Perhaps you can see the difference between God and yourself, I can, and many others can, but most obviously cannot. Israel would not be there without God. I can only hope that Israel will not put her trust in you, Mr. Obama, or a Mrs. Merkel or other leaders of the world. Why can they all be deceived this easily?

I am so very sorry that you give in to terrorists, and I am even more sorry that it is at the cost of Israel.

You are showing your true colours once more.

Yours faithfully,

(fill in any name of any God loving person)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Obama to face Shariah Court?

"Anjem Choudary President Obama must embrace Islam as a way of life or face the consequences of a trial under the Shariah Islamic court system, declared British extremist cleric Anjem Choudary. Choudary, founder and former chief of two Islamic groups..." More...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Obama is right now building up what is being torn down in Egypt: a system of control and corruption within a so-called democracy:


- disarming the people against the constitution
- building up a civilian army
- calling out an emergency state and imprison those who are not in line with him for years
- rejecting the people their right of free speech by limiting the internet or other media from the exchange of news

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Obama Justifies FEMA Illegal Arrests

Now Obama wants to imprison people for things they might probably do in the future. Science Fiction Age has started ...

It is really a shame to see freedom run down the drain with this president in America.

Obama comes out with more shocking news every day now as it seems. His time is short. He has to act... to build up his - ummm... dictatorship - or hat was the name for it?

So Obama...
- wants to disarm his people
- has established a civilian a...rmy
-wants to put people into jail for five to ten years without a trial, just because he thinks they could probably become criminals in the future.

That would allow him to jail anyone, and no way to escape, no right of self-defense, and an army against one, an army that is told by Obama what to do without Judges to check it up if it goes along with the law or not.

Oh boy! Meanwhile even the last one should have understood what this is all about...

His dachshound eyes should not deceive you, either.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Rev. Jeremiah Wright - Your Favourite Pastor, Mr. President... you cannot be serious, can you? He condemned America!

You cannot be serious, Mr. Obama President, can you? Can you? Your Pastor who only retireld lately from your so-called Christian "Trinity Church" in Chicago" condemned America!

I see what your opinion is - your Pastor, huh? Interesting... Tell me, did the US not have other candidates but one whose pastor is a racist that condemns America? Just interested ... I see, there you go... and tell us why you love your pastor so see, the one with the hate speeches...

Obama: "reverend wright is a wonderful man ...the best of what a black church can offer"